In the world of social media, fake alphas are everywhere. At first glance, they look like they’re killing it. But in reality, they’re a douche posing like an alpha! The good news, it’s easy to identify to fake alpha. In this video men’s style, grooming, fitness and lifestyle expert, Aaron Marino of IAmAlphaM, AaronMarino, Pete & Pedro , and Ollie is going over how to spot a fake alpha.

Alpha reminds viewers that you see online isn’t always reality — it can be smoke and mirrors. A lot of these people (ie: posting pictures with beautiful women, cars, and being ‘incredibly amazing’) aren’t necessarily people that you shouldn’t emulate or look up to. They can be shallow and insecure. What makes you incredible and alpha is being authentic, confident, and kind to other people.

Identifying Alpha Posers

  1. They always say ‘no homo’
  2. They’re automotive-ly annoying
  3. They ‘humble’ brag
  4. They always need to be in a relationship or around a bunch of pretty girls
  5. They are always reminding you about how charming, handsome, smart, good looking, incredible, and amazing they are
  6. They are constantly in every mirror and reflective surface, preening
  7. They are always flexing, showboating, and showcasing
  8. They take & post a lot of selfies
  9. It’s never their fault, and they never accept responsibility
  10. They are mean and put other people down

Rock It or Do Something About It

Hair loss sucks — it’s a confidence killer. But the worst thing you can do is to hide or camouflage it. There are things you can do about it — don’t wait though. Do it soon. Go see Bosley if you’re starting to lose their hair, think you’re losing your hair, or suspect you’re going to lose your hair. Grab their hair guide as well as the gift card for their services — make an appointment with the counselor who will go over you, your hair loss, and options. They can help you at ANY stage, but go as soon as possible. Download the FREE The Complete Guide to Hair Restoration +  grab a $250* Bosley Gift Card